I have been splattering more paint and have some new ideas to show you and some helpful tips. In a recent post I showed you how to do a watercolor sky and background then splatter acrylic paint to make your flower garden. This time I decided to do the sky, background, splatters and flowers in acrylic to simplify the process.

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Some tips to simplify
1. To simplify, do the whole painting in acrylic on a canvas or gesso board.
2. Try a variety of brushes to find the splattered look you like. The size, shape and texture of the bristles can make different splatters. This is the brush that works best for me.
3. If you don’t have a large stash of paint and need to buy some purchase bold, bright colors and a large bottle of white. Then you can mix various shades. Its important to have a dark, medium and light or bright green. A dark brown is also helpful.
4. Prepare several canvases or gesso boards with different colors of sky or backgrounds. Experiment. You can’t tell which one will be your favorite until your painting is done. Maybe you’ll love them all.
5. Fixing mistakes: If you get a big blob you don’t like don’t touch it. Just leave it until the whole piece is dry. When you are doing the final dabs of color for flowers you can paint over the blob and make it a flower or put a few dabs of green or brown paint on it to help it blend in with the background. You can even do a few more splatters over it after it is dry to push it into the background. Trying to fix it when the paint is wet will make a bigger mess.
6. Have lots of paper towel ready to wipe paint off brushes. After you rinse a brush get the excess water out by squeezing it with a paper towel. Extra water in the brush when you dip in a new paint color can change the consistency of the paint and it won’t work as well.

7. Use baby wipes to clean your fingers when you change paint colors during the splatter process and any other time you need to clean paint off your hands.
New splattered paint art ideas
Here are some new paintings I did. I included a photo of the background before splattering and the finished painting.

Field of Wheat Painting: 5 x 7 inches on canvas

Use your imagination
You can see there are many possibilities and variations for this type of painting. Use your imagination and see what new ideas you come up with!
How to make splattered paint cards here.
Tips, Ideas and FAQ To Create Splattered Paint Flower Art here.

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