Daffodil Doodles In 4 Easy Steps

Daffodil Doodles are easy to paint in watercolor or acrylic if you follow these 4 easy steps. You can use your daffodil doodles to make cards, journal page borders or framed splattered paint art.

Check out this easy Daffodil Doodle tutorial from myflowerjournal. You can paint daffodils in 4 easy steps using watercolor or acrylic paint for framed art, cards, journal pages and more.

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Daffodil Doodles Easy 4 Step Tutorial

Check out this easy Daffodil Doodle tutorial from myflowerjournal. You can paint daffodils in 4 easy steps using watercolor or acrylic paint for framed art, cards, journal pages and more.
  1. Using watercolor or acrylic paint choose a  darker yellow or orange to paint the center of the daffodil. Most daffodils look slightly down or straight out-not up. Refer to my example above to copy the shape. Keep the bottom edge uneven to give it a more natural look. Vary the direction the center part of the flower faces. You can do a few that look like they are facing forward making a circle shape for the center.
  2. Add a few lighter yellow petals to the back and sides of the center you painted.
  3. Add the stem. If you look at a daffodil example above or my inspiration photo below you can see that the stems come out straight out from the back of the flower then bend and go straight down. Painting the stem this way helps identify it as a daffodil.
  4. Last I added some leaves and a few dabs of purple paint to look like pansies, dabs of brown for dirt and a few paint splatters in yellow and purple.

I used these 4 steps to create daffodils in watercolor and acrylic paint, but you could do the same thing with brush markers. I did not draw anything with pencil first. I did all of the daffodil doodles with a brush and paint. They were quick and easy to make and would make great cards, gift tags, journal borders or framed art.

Daffodil inspiration photo

Inspiration photo taken at the gardens at Temple Square in Salt Lake City for Daffodil Splattered Paint Flower Art from myflowerjournal

My husband and I were recently in Salt Lake City and visited the beautiful gardens at Temple Square. There were lots of daffodils blooming surrounded by purple pansies. This is one of the many photos I took that day and the inspiration for my daffodil doodles. Often when I create my splattered paint flower art I paint random flower shapes in a variety of colors. As I looked at this photo I decided to try a splatter painting with daffodils as the main flower accented with purple pansies.

Splattered Paint Flower Art With Daffodil Doodles

Splattered paint back ground for Daffodil Splattered Paint Flower Art created using the easy 4 step daffodil doodle tutorial from myflowerjournal
You can create this beautiful Daffodil Splattered Paint Flower Art using the easy 4 step daffodil doodle tutorial from myflowerjournal

I started with a 6×6 ampersand gesso board and painted the sky then splattered the green and let it dry. You can read more about my process and the paints and brush I use here. After it was dry I painted the daffodils using the 4 steps outlined above. I added stems with the bend characteristic of daffodils. Then I brushed on more leaves and added dabs of purple paint for the pansies and few little yellow centers. I also added a little brown for the dirt. To finish I splattered some yellow then purple paint.

One more watercolor daffodil painting on spattered acrylic paint

Watercolor daffodils on splattered acrylic paint
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