A friend recently challenged me to paint an angel in watercolor. This was a bit out of my comfort zone. Painting flowers is what I usually do. Once I started painting my angel I couldn’t stop. So I don’t have any step by step photos for you, but I decided to still share a little of my process with you.

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Angel in watercolor supplies
sketch book, pencil, light box, Daniel Smith watercolors, Arches watercolor paper, brushes
How I painted my watercolor angel

Sketch an angel then trace it on your watercolor paper
First I sketched this simple angel in my sketchbook. Then I made a copy of it and placed it on my light box and lightly traced it onto my 8×10 piece of watercolor paper. I kept my sketch simple because I wanted it to feel like my angel was emerging out from the watercolor.
Next add washes of color
The next step was to wet my paper and add washes of yellow and blue and a mix of colors for her arms. I did not wet the area where her face is so I could add the flesh color later. I let the colors run and drip at the bottom. I tried not to mess with this area too much.
Add detail to your angel in watercolor
After the paint dried I went back in and added details and lots of splatters to create texture in the background. I had to stop before I worked on it too much. I love how the colors and textures came together to her a give it a bit of an abstract look.

May you always have angels watching over you!
I hope this will inspire you to use your creative energy and paint your own angel in watercolor. I was pleasantly surprised how much I have enjoyed my little angel. I may be painting more angels, but until then I hope this one will brighten your day.

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In August 2020 I started reading online to my grandchildren, who live hundreds of miles away. A few years and over a thousand books later we are still reading together on FaceTime. I created readaloudgrandma.com to help other grandparents that want to have a rewarding experience reading aloud to children they love!
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